
Are You Afraid of the Truth?

I have a question. How hard is it to tell the truth? How is it hard to tell the truth? Is the truth that hard to tell? Are you afraid of hearing the truth? Does honesty scare you?

Please help me out here!

Because I feel that alot of people are afraid of the truth. They are afraid of hearing the truth and they are afraid of telling the truth. Which in my opinion is stupid. Why would be afraid of the truth. Why would you be afraid of honesty and being honest? How?... How?

How? How can you be afraid of it? Its the truth. I would rather someone tell me the truth than lie to me. I might not like it, but I'll respect it.

People say they want to be honest and have honesty in their relationships, but how can u have that if you're afraid of it.

The truth will set you free. It honestly will. Hearing the ACTUAL truth will set you free. It will set you free and make you happy, because you won't be living a lie.

The truth only hurts when you've been lied to. Remember that, okay? That is the only time it will hurt you. If you tell the truth it will make you happy too. You don't have to be brutal or mean with it, but telling the HONEST TO GOD truth will set you free as well.

I wanna know something from all of you. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. Are you afraid of telling the truth? And why?
2. Are you afraid of hearing the truth? And why?
3. Do you always tell the truth?
4. Do you lie to people to spare their feeling? And why?


  1. 1. Are you afraid of telling the truth? And why?

    Sometimes, yes. Truth can break people's hearts. If simple and harmless lies can make people happy, why not?

    2. Are you afraid of hearing the truth? And why?

    Depends. When it's something I need to know and is very important for my life, I'm brave enough to face the truth. But if it's something trivial and there is no harm if I live in a lie, why not? Eg- I'm a Dalena shipper, and I pretend Nelena never happened. I refuse to hear any truth about that. :|

    3. Do you always tell the truth?

    Most of the times, yes. I lie very rarely. It just eats me up with guilt.

    4. Do you lie to people to spare their feeling? And why?

    I have tried to say harsh truths, that just breaks people's hearts, they find me rude/arrogant,etc and start avoiding me/disliking me. If you're being gentle with someone's feelings, you are considered nice I guess. *shrug*

    You know, I think whether we should speak the truth or lie depends entire on the situation and how it can affect people's lives. If I know a truth that someone needs to know, I will say it. Trivial things can be ignored.

  2. Telling the truth isn't about hurting that person feelings. It's about telling them the truth and how you should deliver it!
